Ghoul is a Netflix Original mini series directed by Patrick Graham. It is the first horror venture of Netflix in India after its successful Sacred Games & Lust stories. It consists of three episodes of around 45 mins each and is available in Hindi (original language), English, Tamil and Telugu.

The series is set in a future dystopian world reeling under military rule. Sectarian violence is rampant. Minorities are looked down upon. Free thinking is curbed. Books, even nursery rhymes and children literature are banned. Everything is taught according to the syllabus’ prescribed by the government. Anyone who does not conform is branded as anti-nationalist and terrorist. They are captured and reconditioned to be ideal citizens and are killed if they do not conform to the system.

Nadia Rahim (Radhika Apte), a trainee at the National Protection Squad Academy specializing in advanced interrogation, is a product of the system. She aides in the capture of her father, a professor and one of the intellectuals who opposes the atrocities of the state. He is promptly branded a terrorist and sent for reconditioning. The ensuing investigation leads to surfacing of some secrets essential to national security and Nadia is stepped out of her training and sent to Advanced Interrogation Centre Meghdoot 31 under the command of Lt Col Sunil Dacunha (Manav Kaul) to aid in the investigation. There she is looked at with suspicion by fellow officers. Meanwhile a prisoner Ali Saeed (Mahesh Balraj) arrives at the centre. Saeed is the leader of the ‘terrorists ‘and hence a high priority subject. The officers start the interrogation of Saeed unaware that what they have brought with them is much more than human. Slowly it starts feeding on their fears and insecurities. In the final act there is much gore and blood fest as secrets come tumbling one after the other out of the closet.

Ghoul works at more than one level. It is powered by the terrific performance of its cast and crew. After her performances in the Sacred Games and Lust Stories Radhika Apte once again delivers a brilliant performance as the multi layered Nadia Rahim. The cinematography and the background score adds to the bleakness, the claustrophobia, the horror of the scene. There are enough jump scares to keep the audience on tenterhooks. But what works most is its multi layered narrative. It is much more than a ‘Ghost Story ‘. It is commentary on the insecurities, the fear of the minorities, the lies told, the atrocities committed under a Fascist regime and the eventual reaction, the revolution. The Ghoul is the Fascist regime preying on the minds of the people, devouring them and leaving a trail of destruction and bloodshed in its wake.

For the millennials who have been raised with a liberal dose of Aahat and Zee Horror Show, Ghoul is a refreshing change. Kudos to Netflix for bringing horror television in India up to the international standards.


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  3. Oh my! This is an amazing series. I started watching it last month with my brother. It was because my kids were at their granny’s place and were not here to watch shows by Andy Yeatman on Netflix. I had a good time watching this series.


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