Hi, I am Aryan.Reading have always been my passion. So I took up literature and have done my masters in English Literature. For the last ten years I have been working for a reputed firm in India. Currently I am settled in New Delhi.
Chained to a desk for ten long years, working day and night slaving for my firm, work had entered into my bloodstream. Work, family, sleep, then next day back to work this had become my routine. Even the weekends rushed by without my being able to fully enjoying them. As Charles Lamb had described, “no prospect of emancipation presented itself. I had grown to my desk, as it were; and the wood had entered into my soul”. Perhaps this routine would have continued till my superannuation. But one day I found myself in the Hospital preparing to have my Biopsy done. As I sat there waiting for my tests to be done, my whole life began swimming before my eyes. What have I done with my life? What have I achieved? Is earning money, buying a bigger car, finding a luxurious flat the sole object of life? Have I really enjoyed my life, followed my interests, my passions in life? Have I lived at all? Maybe that was my moment of epiphany.
So here I am, following my heart. Reading has always been my passion since childhood. A good book is all the company I need. And I enjoy movies. A good book or a good movie stimulates your imagination and can transform your tiny drawing room into the vast universe. As Stephen King aptly says “Books are a uniquely portable magic”. They have the power to carry you around the world, transport you to worlds unknown. Every book is a new experience, a new adventure. I started the blog Murder on my Mind so that I can share my experiences with the world.
There are hundreds of sites centered around Book/Movie reviews so why should you visit my blog? Well I am a common man sharing my everyday experiences with you. Here I express my views on the books I enjoy reading, the movies I love watching. I write from my heart and there is no pretension, no high sounding oratory. I especially enjoy books/movies of the thriller genre. A Poirot murder mystery with a cup of coffee is for me the recipe for a perfect Sunday. Hence the name of my blog Murder on My Mind. If you love a good thriller then maybe you would be able to relate to my experiences. I hope to build a community where exchange of thoughts, ideas, philosophies can take place. You & I are a family and together we can grow. Please, write to me. Your thoughts are invaluable to me. You can find me at the following addresses :
E mail : royaryan1306@gmail.com
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